The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) is run by 980 highly skilled, unpaid volunteers who are on standby day and night throughout the year. Donations and sponsorships cover our annual running cost of R25m. The volunteers save us a salary bill in excess of R250m per annum. There are 31 coastal and three inland rescue stations, a fleet of 92 rescue craft, 27 vehicles and we have access to a range of helicopters. We enjoy a good working relationship with other emergency services and we believe that it is through team effort that lives are saved.
Please be part of our renowned and exciting Car Competition that helps raise the funds we desperately need.
Each ticket you take gives you an entry into the fantastic DOUBLE MITSUBISHI DRAW – yes, you could win 2 Mitsubishi vehicles
2 Mitsubishi vehicles – a Pajero and an ASX – together valued at over R800 000.00!
• 2nd prize:
R250 000.00 in cash! – That’s a quarter of a million Rand!
• 3rd prize:
A trip for 2 on Queen Mary II incl return flights, value R75 000.00 +!
• Price per ticket R595.
• Only 28 000 tickets are available.
You can’t win if you don’t enter, so please call Chantelle at the NSRI Call Centre on (021) 202
4145 or send us an email to
Below is the donation form for anyone that is interested in helping out a hugely worthy cause!
Donation Form